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- Posts
- Oysters with a plastic flavor in your plates for your celebrations!
- How does agricultural pollution affect estuarine health in the United Kingdom?
- Help! How do I manage my commercial oyster nursery?
- How raising snails allows to better understand the dynamics of a parasite?
- Water, a limiting factor in lizard activities and distribution
- When a macaque has the choice between two lianas
- Does food quality increases moult organism vulnerability to pollutant impacts?
- Pyramids, built by the Egyptians and reversed by sharks
- A new way to understand the effects of toxic compounds
- Spatial response of plaice and sole to climate change
- Microplastics: no effect on the productivity of the marine environment?!
- A little bit of salt and heat... a good recipe for goby metabolism?
- How to adapt your birdly behavior to the river flow?
- Shad, those endangered travelers
- Corals and algae, a relationship in danger: a model to predict their future!
- Why should we think about cougars when planning our cities?
- Are pesticides more dangerous when you are hungry?
- Can new ecosystems develop in metal contaminated soils?
- What does the future has in store for red salmon in a context of global climate change?
- Organisms and their environment: Dangerous liaisons
- Avoid predation or starvation: which strategy maximize rainbow trout juvenile survival?
- Zinc pollution of our rivers: shrimp on alert
- Albatrosses: the laziest ocean birds?
- A damned energy loss for migratory fishes: dams!
- Pesticides and the power of earthworms
- A new approach of modeling dissolved organic matter release by phytoplankton. Is it an improvement?
- High throughput screening methods to assess pollutants effects: A relevant technique?
- Identifying the optimal depth for mussel suspended culture in shallow and turbid environments.
- Global change and climate-driven invasion of the Pacific oyster along European coasts: a bioenergetics modelling approach
- Time and concentration dependency in the potentially affected fraction of species: The case of hydrogen peroxide treatment of ballast water
- Estimating relative energetic costs of human disturbance to killer whales
- Use of dynamic energy budget and individual based models to simulate the dynamics of cultivated oyster populations
- Effects of an exotic prey species on a native specialist: Example of the snail kite
- Are vulture restaurants needed to sustain the densest breeding population of the African white-backed vulture?
- Temperature-dependent body size effects determine population responses to climate warming
- Can bioenergetic models help the re-introduction of the native Rio Grande cutthroat trout in a Southwestern headwater stream?